Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Posted by John David Anderson (audiobook)

genre: middle grade contemporary fiction

Middle school can be a battleground - in more ways that one.  For Frost, Deedee, Wolf, and Bench the halls of their middle school are where the bullies roam, ready to mock them for any number of reason.  Among themselves, though, among their tribe - these four boys have found a safe bunker.  So when cell phones are banned at their school, they know they'll still have each other's backs - until they AREN'T sure anymore.  Because when a new student arrives, the post-it notes that are used as substitutes for texting start becoming their own kind of weapons and it's hard to know WHERE you stand in your world anymore.

I enjoyed this so much more than I'd anticipated I would, what with an 8th grade boy narrator and the drama of middle school. But it's not just "drama" - it's bullying and it's divorce and it's finding your people, one of the most universal themes of all.  It's also so much about the power of words to wound or to heal.  It's about learning how to be brave not just when confronting your enemies but also your friends.  It's about appreciating all different kinds of people - even if we are quick to judge harshly on first impression.   Yes, there is some boyish crudeness (not of a sexual nature) but overall I really enjoyed this story of friendship and finding your place.

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