I love that these two know me - they both put a book on there by authors they know I've meant to have read but haven't (Nix, McKay and Prachett). What I also love about this idea is that I already trust the taste and judgment of these women, so at least I know these books will be not lame, which with some challenges I've done has been a problem :) In fact I am weaning myself of challenges this year to really try and whittle down the giant drawer of books that I own but have not yet read.
SO. I am going to for sure read all the books on the lists they made for me, and hopefully some off the lists of books they made for each other :)
Book List from Tricia at Library Queue:
Book List from Melissa at Book Nut:
Book List for Melissa from Tricia:
The Lincolns ~ Candace Fleming
Drums, Girls & Dangerous Pie ~ Jordan Sonnenblick
The Power of One ~ Bryce Courtenay
Book List for Tricia from Melissa:
The Queen of Attolia by Megan Whalen Turner
Where the Mountain Meets the Moon by Grace Lin
Under the Tuscan Sun by Frances Mayes
The Death of Ivan Ilych by Leo Tolstoy
Paper Towns by John Green
Yay for fun! And I agree: it's nice in that I trust that these books will be good. Can't wait!
Melissa introduced me to the Saffy's Angel series too and I adored every book. I think I'm definitely going to try and read My Life in France from Melissa's list.
My "book lunch girls" are doing a list swap this year too. The thirty-one books (there are seven of us in the book club, and one of them gave me a "bonus" book) recommended for me are here. It's fun seeing what the three of you have recommended to each other - especially since I often add books to my own to-read list after reading reviews from you all!
The Shawdow of the Wind is one of my all time favourite books. Can't wait to see what you think of it!
What a fun idea! Sadly I don't have any of those books to send you guys.
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