Tuesday, January 21, 2020

The Cruel Prince by Holly Black

26032825. sy475 genre: young adult fantasy

At the tender age of seven, Jude is a witness to her parents' murder and she is subsequently stolen away to the Courts of Faerie with her two sisters.  Raised as an included outsider, fear as her constant companion, Jude learns quickly that intrigues and prowess with a sword are the only way she'll ever make something of herself as a mortal among faeries. With the youngest prince of the land as a cruel enemy and allies nearly impossible to find, Jude knows that the only person she can trust is herself.  If only she knew enough to stay the game she knows is being played - until she takes a chance that will end up changing actually everything.

Spies and faerie creatures, so much intrigue and violence, this is a darkly crafted story that kept me guessing from one minute to the next.  Even until the very end I wasn't sure what Jude was going to choose and her deeply passionate and flawed character was so interesting - she drove me crazy and I underestimated her and I marveled at her capacity for figuring things out and choosing the hard way.  Jude grew up living in a menacing world I appreciated the way we could see how that sculpted her world-view and her way of approaching relationships and their complications.  My head is still sorta reeling from this really entertaining story and I can't wait to see what happens next.

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