Saturday, March 22, 2025

Black Woods Blue Sky by Eowyn Ivey

genre: magical realism

Birdie loves a rush, that thrill of throwing yourself headlong into actual, physical danger.  As a young single mom, this love of a thrill bumps up against having to care for her young daughter Emaleen in their tiny Alaskan town - where danger can be anywhere.  When Birdie becomes interested in Arthur, that silent and huge man who's lived off the land nearby for years, his calm manner and steadiness seems to be in contrast to Birdie's usual type.  Until we learn things about Arthur that make her growing interest in him make a lot more sense.

This is magical realism along the lines of a Selkie story or, even, the first book I read and adored by this author, The Snow Child.  The Snow Child has a different vibe though, that I liked better.  This book has dark undertones that ring not just of abuse but of the line between human and animal that can get blurred in a wilderness like Alaska.  Emaleen is a huge bright spot, she is so imaginative and clever - maybe a little immature for the six years old she's supposed to be, but understandable in the very adult world she has to navigate.  I longed for her to have a parent who could prioritize her, but Birdie is just that parent.

Even while part of me was upset by the story, I cannot deny that it is beautifully written, even the horrible parts are written with care and the ending actually fit in a way I couldn't have anticipated.  3.5 stars rounded up.

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