Sunday, May 5, 2024

I'm Rich, You're Poor by Shabaz Ali (audiobook)

 genre: nonfiction

I can't remember when I first stumbled upon @shabazsays but I was pretty quickly following his account for his clever commentary on the kinds of videos that social media is notorious for: the ones that are meant to make us feel "less than."  The ones where people show off their super fancy houses, their huge shoe collections and, most especially, the videos where we watch people spend inordinate amounts of time and money to make fancy ice.

I love how he calls out nonsense when he sees it.  And the book is actually a really interesting look at the way that social media can skew our perception of what makes a life good.  His community of "Povvos" aren't ashamed of penny pinching and the goal is to find happiness and peace with what we've got - NOT what the internet says we should want.  It's an important idea and his quirky humor and real talk made this a fun listen.  I found my mind wandering a few times but for the most part he kept me engaged in his suggestions for how to live your best Povvo life.  Please watch one of his bally-ice videos.  I can hear his voice in my head right now - "have a day off!" 

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