Thursday, February 14, 2019

Renegades by Marissa Meyer

genre: young adult speculative

When Nova was a little girl, she quickly learned how cruel the world can be.  With the Renegades, a conglomerate of superheros, in charge, you'd think that prodigies with special powers would be safe - but safety isn't a given.  And when Nova grows up, she knows that the only way to make the world a better and safer place is to rid it of the Renegades.  Adrian, on the other hand, IS a Renegade, fighter for truth and justice - except he's got secrets too.  With too many questions and not enough answers, both Adrian and Nova are going to have to be in the spotlight until hiding is no longer an option.

I've never read anything by Marissa Meyer, but from the start, this book got my attention.  Our two anti-heros, both of them with identities secret from everyone, including each other, made for an interesting twist.  I liked the deeper story here, too, about heros and what it takes to be one, what to do with the power we inherently have as well as the kind of power you find by needing it and using it, as afraid as it makes you.  The truth bombed dropped at the end of the book certainly make you want to grab the next book and keep going!  I didn't always love Nova but I appreciate her nuances and while the romantic thread is super thin, I like it and can see it going somewhere interesting.  I'll be reading more for sure.

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