genre: biography, graphic novel
I've only ever thought about Andre as the lovable "giant" from the movie The Princess Bride. When I saw this book about his life I was intrigued.
It's a very fast read and although it wasn't particularly deep, I do feel like I know a little bit more about professional wrestling (for whatever that's worth, ha!). He lived a full and exuberant life, overindulgent and full of excess. The wrestling was mostly pretend but you do get the impression that Andre was proud of what he did and enjoyed the spectacle. I'll be honest, my impression of him has changed now, and not particularly for the better, having read this book. I do appreciate the physical pain he was in, due to his condition, and I recognize that we're not getting the WHOLE picture, but it's a little disappointing to learn about the parts of his personality and his choices that weren't always for his good or anyone else's, either.
Note: a fair amount of cursing and a bit of crude humor/art
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