Monday, April 3, 2017

Prague Counterpoint by Bodie Thoene (Zion Covenant 2)

genre: historical fiction series

This is book two of the series, so you need to read book one before reading this review!

We pick up right where we left off.  Murphy and Elisa have made it safe to her family in Prague and Leah and Shimon are left in the newly Nazi-ized Vienna.  One new and important piece of this story is a set five year old twin boys whose very existence is going to complicate matters for both Leah and Elisa.  In a world where looking different is a punishable offense and Hitler's plans are becoming more and more obvious, it is time for everyone to choose what side they are on, regardless of the consequences.

I have forgotten so much of what happens!  I totally forgot about the twins, which really make this installment interesting and upsetting. I wish that Elisa and Murphy spent more time together, since I like their romance, but it moves along nicely and while some horrible and violent things happen, I love to see how the pieces interconnect. There is so much history here, while there is some western-European bias, obviously, the books really do a good job of getting the sequence of things straight in your head.

1 comment:

patty said...

I'm reading these too! I was just wondering yesterday how many books it would take for Elisa and Murphy to really be together, or will they? I guess I will have to read on to find out! I have the first three and the last three, need the middle three! HA!

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