genre: young adult fantasy
The Fate of the Tearling is the third and final book in a series (
book one here and
book two here) so, obviously spoilers ahead.
is in the grips of the Red Queen. Alone and powerless, her only solace
is that in giving herself up she has bought her kingdom time - at
least, she thinks she did. But Mace, left behind in New London, knows
that only she is fated to lead. And he will do whatever it takes to put
her back on the throne - but at what cost? With the Red Queen still a
force to be reckoned with and a dark magic leaking from the mountains,
even if she is saved, Kelsea may have nothing left to rule.
is some interesting time-travely-stuff going on in this book again.
Because not only are we reading Kelsea's story, but in her head she
keeps going back to the time of William Tear and the initial community
he designs after the Crossing - and here is where things get
complicated. It is one thing to imagine a Utopia, it is another to
convince very fallible people that they want to stay in one. I found
this particularly interesting, finally being able to put all the pieces
together that we'd been getting snatches of for two books. It's a
well-done narrative device, I think. Not perfect and sometimes a little
bit of a stretch but I think in the end, it worked for me. Yes, it would'be been cool to get more nuts and bolts of HOW and WHY for various things but what we got was still good. And then
end, while not as tied-up-with-a-bow as maybe it could have been,
actually felt strangely satisfying and hopeful. If I can suspend my
disbelief to go along with all the other crazy things that happened in
this book, then the ending should be absolutely not a problem to swallow.
enjoyed this series. I think with a bit more romance I would've liked
it more - this is definitely a darker story (more graphic sexual content
and language than your average YA series) but with a really simple and
important question at its' heart: what would you give up to make a
better world?
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