Wednesday, October 2, 2019

The Resilience Breakthrough by Christian Moore

genre: self-help, non-fiction

Christian Moore is convinced that there is one trait that helped him overcoming a very challenging youth: resilience.  By resilience he means the capacity of a person to be up against something challenging and to move forward despite pain, frustration, disappointment and rejection.  In this book, Christian describes the four major kinds of resilience and specific tools that you can use within each kind that will increase your own ability to handle whatever life throws at you (or handle whatever ways you sabotage your own self).

This is not my usual type of book, I know that (yay book club!) so I had to push myself to read it.  I think that there is some good stuff in here, some practical ideas that will stick with me (the idea of radical acceptance, the idea that just because we don't WANT to do something doesn't mean we CAN'T and that utilizing our well of resilience will help us move forward with power),  some good stuff. 

Here's my beef though: it's REPETITIVE.  I mean, sometimes the exact same sentence is written twice, three times, on one page, like we had to beef up the page count.  I also had a hard time really believing the stories that didn't include a footnote, I don't know why, I found my thoughts wondering if they were true.    It's a bit top heavy on personal stories that showcase him as so super duper resilient, and while I know he's the expert, it still grated on me for whatever reason.

SO.  Bottom line.  Good stuff, which I'd had the cliff notes version.

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