Monday, November 9, 2009

Review: The Foundling by Georgette Heyer

genre: fiction
source: publicist

It is hard to be a rich and powerful Duke, especially when you are 24 and treated like a child. Gilly, the Duke of Sale, finally had his fill of over protection and coddling - and as soon as an opportunity for excitement presented itself, he grabbed it and ran. In this story, he stumbles into all sorts of scrapes and causes all kinds of anxiousness among the throngs of folks who had been watching out for him. Part soap-opera and part temerarious adventure, The Foundling doesn't take you where you expect it to.

Which is why I had to put it down mid-way through. I'm SORRY, I'm sorry. I know Georgette Heyer is supposed to be amazing, which is why I won't give up on her after this one. The writing is great, I loved how we kept switching from point of view to point of view to get the story from different angles. I think my problem was expectations - I was looking for romance and this is definitely more of a Wilkie-Collins-esq crime story than a romantic tale.

Please check out another review:
Swords and Dreams

And if you have a suggestion for a different Georgette Heyer to read, I'd love to hear it :)


Veens said...

I think you should not pick up her crime novellas... I read one- Footsteps int he Dark - that one was good but very predictable... but I liked it because of the humor/ sarcasm and all that!

i m sure i will skip this one!

Gerbera Daisy Diaries said...

I haven't read this but Tricia, at Library Queue, has a delightful review about Arabella by G. Heyer.

Seattle Vacation Rentals said...

Better than "Prince and the Pauper", this tale gives the protagonist more personal presences than Dickens allowed the Prince, with greater humor.

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