Sunday, August 23, 2009

your NEW way to know if I love a book

Something has been on my mind a lot lately and then when Shannon Hale actually posted it on her blog, I knew I was on to something. Maybe you haven't noticed, but there have been several books that I have chosen *not* to give a rating - usually because I don't typically read that genre and I don't feel like I can confidently judge whether it was good or not. What I mean is, just because it's not something I enjoy doesn't mean it's not a really well written book and I feel like I don't want to give 2 stars to a book that probably is great but just isn't what I like. Make sense?

So, I am getting rid of my "star" system. Of course, you an always tell from reading my review what I thought about the book. But, for fun, I like my friend Bethany's idea of giving an award to books that she just really loves. AND SO, I am announcing:

If you see it, you know I loved it:) I spent a lot of time deciding on the wording, "just the right place for this little bird to spend some time." That's because there are books I've read that amazing and deep and thought provoking, yet sometimes harsh and painful (The Road and East of Eden kept coming to mind). And yet other times, they are just so perfectly fluffy and fun and full of genuine romance that they make me want to jump for joy. And I love BOTH kinds. So often, the way I feel about a book has much to do with where I am at in life at the time. Thus, the award is more of a "the combination of this book and my life right now was stellar in every way." But rest assured, if it's not well written, it won't be awarded. I'm going to retroactively go back and tag all my "5 star" books with a "comfy tree award" tag so I can easily access all the books that thrilled me.

What's your thoughts on how to rate books? Do you do awards? Stars? ratings out of 5 or 100? Why did you choose to do it that way?


bermudaonion said...

I totally agree with your statement. "so often, the way I feel about a book has much to do with where I am at in life at the time." That's exactly why I don't rate books. I love your comfy tree award!

DesLily said...

I have never given thought to "rating" a book, as I've always felt guilty should someone pay their hard earned money for something I enjoyed but then they do not!.. however.. as blogs I read that give ratings the one thing you are forgetting, is that every rating is with "a grain of salt" in that, one accepts or not YOUR RATING on how much they have come to know you and your own tastes. The same for all blogs that give ratings.. if it's someone I have found to have my same tastes, then the rating means a little to me..if I don't read the blogger enough to feel I know their taste in books.. the rating means nothing. I think most bloggers feel this way when deciding to get a new book on recommendations. *ratings*

Serena said...

I agree with state of mind can impact my enjoyment of a book, so I don't do ratings unless I have too on library thing or somewhere.

bethany (dreadlock girl) said...

Oh, I love your new award!! Great work. I have recently instituted a rating system of up to 100. It works for me, and the ones that I just love still get the Stellar Five Chicken Award as well. (they would be the 5 star, or the 100 scoring books)

I hope you love your new system!!

Melissa said...

Good for you! Love the award... :)

The Reading Momster said...

That's a cute award really!!

I love Bethany's chicken award as well! :)

morninglight mama said...

Beautiful button there-- did you create that? (The dork in me is curious to know what you used...)

Great idea, as usual! :)

Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

I love your new little graphic! I do rate most of my reads on a scale of 5. I know it's an arbitrary system and that it's based on how I'm feeling at the time and more of my enjoyment of the book rather than how good the book actually is (I'm not a professional critic!), but I just can't seem to do without it. I also like when people rate books, although it seems this is happening less and less.

Oh, and I love this: "just the right place for this little bird to spend some time"

Unknown said...

I don't rate books on my blog and we don't on 5 Minutes for Books either. Like you, we have started giving "5 Stars" to the best of the best, but we don't give ratings pretty much for the same reason as you.

If we are lukewarm about a book, the review probably shows it. If we love a book (whether it's a 5 Star or not), you'll know it too.

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