Friday, April 12, 2024

Interpreter of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri

genre: contemporary fiction 

I am not typically a short story person. It takes me a while, in general, to be invested in a book so I typically find short stories to never suck me in. This collection, however, was different. Each character, each setting, it got under my skin and made me care. Each point of view made me look at the world a little differently - the child being babysat by an Indian wife, the husband disconnected from his wife, the new husband whose quirky wife has immigrated and is driving him crazy, the cab driver whose command of English puts him in the unique position of translating for a local doctor. Expatriates and immigrants, old and young, the characters in these stories lift off the page with the love they want to find and the grief over what they’ve lost.

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