Monday, May 30, 2022

River of the Gods by Candice Millard (audiobook)

 genre: history, non-fiction

The Nile is the river at the heart of ancient civilizations, a waterway that has captured our minds and hearts for centuries - but where does the Nile begin?  This is the question at the heart of this book.  When the British Richard Burton plans an expedition to try once and for all to get the answer, he chooses John Speke to accompany him.  These two men willingly trek into the wilds of Africa to try and get glory for themselves, for England and for a lasting legacy of being "the first."  Of course, Africa actually already belongs to the people who live there and so their explorations are fraught with interpersonal issues, with supply issues and all the challenges that come from an unfamiliar climate with unfamiliar animals and diseases.  It's a formidable task - but the payoff will be so worth it if only they can succeed.  The question not really asked out loud, though, is at what cost?

This really well-written history isn't only about the finding of the headwaters of the Nile, although it is definitely that, but it's also about colonialism.  It's about how personalities can influence how an adventure transpires, it's about, as the title says, genius, courage and betrayal - all the more interesting because it's true.  It's also about the people that get lost in history - native peoples whose contributions were absolutely essential but who get no lakes named after them, get no accolades or glory - but who sacrifice as much or more than the white colonizers who hire them and whose knowledge is imperative to the mission's success.

It's an intriguing listen.  I learned a lot and I was entertained.  The reader does a great job with the voices and by the end, I had some pretty strong feelings about the different people who played a part in the narrative.  

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