Sunday, November 8, 2020

The Other Side of the Sky by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner

genre: young adult science fiction/fantasy

Nihm knows that as the Divine One, there are a few things that are certain: magic is real, she can never be touched and that she HAS a purpose. She’s just not exactly sure of what her purpose is yet. For North, though, who lives in an advanced society in the clouds, magic is only in stories and when these two strong willed leaders have to make sense of their place among fates and prophecies, against enemies who would take all they have, they have to decide whether they want to work together or figure out the future on their own.

It’s an interesting story that definitely requires at least a sequel. I was intrigued by all the different conflicts and the world building was pretty incredible, especially the high tech vs magic aspect. I was bothered by some anachronisms, though, and I had to actively suspend my disbelief more than once near the end when the climax felt like a lot of action compressed into a small space in time. I really enjoyed reading it, it just didn’t amaze me.

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