Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Daisy Jones and the Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid (audiobook)

genre: historical fiction

In the 1970s, Daisy Jones and the Six made rock and roll history.  The members of the band only achieved the epic heights they did because they were not only crazy talented, they also had to work crazy hard.  Of course, they played hard too, and in this rockumentary-type history of the band, we get to learn the ins and outs of the relationships, the strengths and the demons of these seven key players.

If you're going to read this, I highly recommend the audio on this one.  Yes, there is language (a lot of cursing) and mature themes.  It's not a story for everyone.  Drug use is rampant but the effects of their use is also explored in depth. But the tv show "behind the music" vibe of this book, with a full cast, totally kept my attention.  Yes, it's hard to watch people train wreck their lives.  Yes, it's uncomfortable to watch people be broken and try to fix themselves.  But there were some really cool themes throughout and I appreciated how we often got to hear about certain  situations from many different points of view.  The book really does make you think about memory and context, your own deepest desires and how even your own baggage will affect how you view circumstances.

Also, as a singer and just general lover of music, I liked how powerful music could be and it was enjoyable to watch the rise of a band and to get into the nitty gritty of how a record is put together.

While it isn't a pretty or super emotional read, I was incredibly entertained.

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