Tuesday, March 5, 2019

House of Salt and Sorrows by Erin A. Craig

genre: young adult

Annaleigh has loved her life on the edge of the sea. Daughter of a duke in a sea-faring land, her life would be perfect except that tragedy will not leave her family alone. When another of her beloved sisters mysteriously dies, Annaleigh knows something sinister is going on, but no one will listen. In a world of gods that are known to prowl among the living and where the ocean is on your doorstep, Annaleigh has to start asking questions that might not lead to anywhere she wants to go.

I’ve read other retellings of the Twelve Dancing Princesses, but this one several uniquely dark and gruesome twists. I liked the fantastical setting and the family drama, the mysteries kept me reading - but the horror did startle me sometimes! It definitely kept me guessing, near the climax it was so trippy that I had a hard time knowing what was really happening. I also wished that the ending hadn’t wrapped up so quickly and nicely but in the end, it was an entertaining read.

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