Tuesday, January 16, 2018

A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L'Engle

genre: science fiction, children's literature

Meg is a bit like a square peg trying to fit into a round hole. She loves math and science but can't just put a smile on at school to save her life. Her father's missing which makes life with her mother and three brothers both lonely and challenging.

One dark and stormy night a visitor arrives at Meg's home and suddenly everything she knew about the universe is broadened and her father’s fate becomes a tangible puzzle to be solved. She has no idea the danger that awaits her.

I read this child and really enjoyed it. I was worried it would not have the same charm for me as an adult but I found myself pleasantly entertained and at the end, actually moved. There are some deep ideas here, some clearly Christian allegorical, which were lost on me as a child. I appreciated them more now and I’m glad that I revisited one.

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