Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Books I've Given Up On

This is just a new list, for my own reference.   Ever since I had the twins, I have found that I am WAY more able to put a book down that hasn't grabbed me.  My time is just WAY to precious.   Things I might normally slog through and just give 2 stars to are now getting put right back into the library drop off box :)

Books That I've Given Up On

BZRK by Michael Grant - Sci-fi with way too many characters introduced at once and after 70 pages I just didn't care. Too bad because it's a cool idea.

Ash by Melinda Lo - This Cinderella retelling was just going too slow and doing nothing for me.

Tsarina by J. Nelle Patrick - I just can't care about your magical egg.  I'm sorry.

The Moonlight Palace by Liz Rosenberg -  I wanted to read this because it takes place in Singapore in the 20s - how awesome is that? Except it felt like I was reading something from today - I read 20% of the book and I might as well be in England right now for all it made me feel like a foreign story. Boo.

Journey of Hope: A Novel of Triumph and Heartbreak on the Oregon Trail in 1852 by Victoria Murata - I wanted to immerse myself in some pioneer trail story but this was really bad - after two chapters I knew that this author, while probably a nice person, could not transport me to the pioneer trail I wanted.

Awaken by Katie Kacvinsky - I like the premise, about teens wanting to log back into real life after society is uber online but the execution was so blah blah blah

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