The power of a kiss, the longing for one and the consequences when lips finally touch. The three stories in this book take us to fantastical places - the realms of goblins and demons, where your soul may not be alone and one bite of fruit may tie you to creatures that would sooner see you dead. Curses and mysteries, mothers and grandmothers and the ties that bind them - this is an amazing piece of work.
The language fairly drips with beauty. I love that it isn't just a story she's telling, it's art, as though each sentence was crafted to paint a picture. It's not always a pretty picture, to be honest, and while there IS love, these stories are just as much about the world in which they take place and horrible things happen. Yet somehow, she convinces us that all the horrible things that happen are okay - our minds are twisted and reformed as the stories reach their conclusions and in the end, even without a tied-with-a-bow happy ending, we are satisfied.
book 16 of the Young Adult Challenge 2010
I do love beautiful language, but I'm not crazy about fantasy, so I'm on the fence about this one.
Now go read the Dreamdark series. :-D (And then buy some of her art. I love Laini. Is it bad that I want to live next door to her?)
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