Book 2 in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians Series
There is nothing like a good series. Really, how often is the second book truly as good as the first? In this case, I was so pleased. We follow Percy and his trusty side-kicks (including one new and very...monsterous relative) as he tries to put a stop to whatever is weakening Camp-Half Blood. I love love love how much of Greek mythology is woven into this story. I am currently also reading a retelling of The Odyssey to my 7 year old son and I am absolutely amazed at how much of the plot of The Odyssey Riordan has managed to include in this book without ever making it seem forced. The 9 year olds of today will someday encounter Homer in an ancient studies college course and so much will seem familiar :)
The writing is swift, the plot has moments of predictability but no so much that it was bothersome (this IS an age-old story in many ways, after all) and good against evil is always a good fight to watch. I appreciated the zinger of an ending (despite the fact that my DARLING daughter had already spilled the beans, curse her!) I'm looking forward to book three.
I'm glad to see the series is progressing so well!
Woot! The next one is my favorite, just so you know... :-)
lol...I had to keep my son from "spilling the beans" while I was reading through.
I definitely enjoyed this second book as much (and in some ways more) than the first. Looking forward to the next book.
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