genre: non-fiction
Emergency Service Workers: ordinary people doing extraordinary things. Sherry shares experiences and insight that only an individual who has worked as a Paramedic, Emergency Room Nurse, and critical incident de-briefer could. In each of the four parts of the book, a different aspect of the life of an emergency service worker was portrayed: arriving on the scene of an accident, getting in an accident and allowing others to serve you just as you serve so many, having an injured child placed with trust in your arms, going home at the end of the day and reliving events time and again. Sherry did not shy away from sharing the heartache, fear, anxiety, frustration, faith, and hope that one experiences while on the job.
As a nursing student this book was captivating, it allowed me enter into the heart and mind of a professional who has been doing what I have wanted to do for years. Though I often like a story (one that has a beginning, middle, and end) this compilation of experiences from those who spend their days trying to help, and in some cases save, anyone that comes through the door, it gave me an insight that a novel could not have. I finished the last page with an increased understanding of and appreciation for the dedicated individuals who give so much of themselves to their patients.
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