Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Orbis Terrarum Challenge 2008 wrap-up

The end of the Orbis Terrarum Challenge

Bethany has asked us to fill out a survey about her first challenge! I had such a fun time with this one - she really tried to make it more interactive with maps showing our progress and great giveaways. To thank her, here are my answers:

Orbis Terrarum 2008 Challenge survey:

1.) What did you like about the challenge? It forced me to stretch my reading into places I wouldn't have already gone. I had to learn a bit more about authors too, which can only be good :)
2.) What would you like to see change for next year? Maybe a challenge blog? Where we label our posts with whatever country the author is from?
3.) About the rules, or the non-existent rules...did you like that? fine with me :)
4.) Are you going to join us next year? absolutely!
5.) Pretty please give me any suggestions for changes, the betterment of the challenge, or just anything that you would like to see changed for next year. This isn't really a change. I was just thinking that when you put up the big list of all the books we read, if you could maybe arrange it by country? That way when I am looking for something new from a different country, I could scroll through the countries and check out people's reviews
6.) Would you like the challenge to be more involved? What if we read books together sometimes? Would that interest you? I might join in - depends on what country the book is from and if I've read from that country already : ) Maybe you could let us know before we make our lists what that book (or books) will be and we could count that in when we make our lists? Or maybe they could be bonus books outside our list?
7.) would you be interested in helping somehow next year? How would you like to help? Let me know if you need me to do something - I have no idea of how I could help

Books I read:
1. Absent by Betool Khedairi (Iraq)
2. A Bottle in the Gaza Sea by Valerie Zenatti (author from France, book takes place in Jerusalem and on the Gaza Strip)
3. The Woman Who Waited by Andrei Makine (Russia)
4. Where the Flame Trees Bloom by Alma Flor Ada (Cuba)
5. The Golden Pot by E.T.A. Hoffman (Germany)
No One Writes to the Colonel by Gabriel Garcia Marquez (Columbia)
7. Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi (Iran)
8. We Are On Our Own by Mariam Katin (Hungary)
9. Mistress of Spices by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni (author from India, book takes place in the United States)

here's to next year!!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on finishing the challenge.

Anonymous said...

congratulations! And really neat choices there :)

Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

I really like the idea of listing the books by country--definitely would give us some ideas of what to pick by region. I loved this challenge and found it really stretching as well. Congrats on finishing Corinne!

bethany (dreadlock girl) said...

great work!! :) I am so excited to get the books listed by will be work, but really fun work :)

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