Read internationally A to Z (books representing 26 different countries) (The books could be from international authors (writers from that country); however, it's fine if a book is only set in that country. If need be, instead of countries one could use cities, states, regions, etc. The idea is to use proper place names. If you'd like you could even use a few fictional countries.)
update 4/10
I am at peace with being finished. I certainly stretched and read some amazing books - and I guess that 23/26 isn't too bad :)
A to Z Challenge 2009
- A - Austrailia (People of the Book)
- B - Belgium (Night of Flames)
- C - China (Serve the People - A Stir Fried Journey Through China)
- D - Deptford, Canada (Fifth Business)
- E - England (The Midwife)
- F - France (Sarah's Key)
- G - Germany (In My Enemy's House)
- H
- I - Italy (The Prince)
- J- Japan (Silence)
- K - Korea (Trail of Crumbs)
- L - London (Angel and Apostle)
- M - Massachusetts (The Scarlet Letter)
- N - Nigeria (A Worthy Legacy)
- O - Oregon (The Mystical Nature Diary of Opal Whiteley)
- P - Poland (The Boy in the Striped Pajamas)
- Q
- R - Rwanda (Baking Cakes in Kigali)
- S - Sweden (Hanna's Daughters)
- T - Thailand (Tales of Thailand)
- U - Ulster (The Yellow House)
- V - Vietnam (Paradise of the Blind)
- W - Wisconsin (Front and Center)
- X
- Y - Yopougon, Ivory Coast (Aya)
- Z - Zimbabwe (Nervous Conditions)
You don't want to know this- but I am doing this challenge as well!
I thought of this option, but went for the Author and Title option instead. Thinking of Places option for 2010.
I have always wondered about this challenge. I am trying to limit my challenges though, so I don't think I'll be joining in, which is a huge bummer because that button is so pretty!!!!
Have a great time with it!
yay! I am going to be doing this challenge too. Do you have your list of books yet? I am pretty close but still have a few letters I am trying to locate a book to. Q,X, and Z among others.
Interesting twist on this one!! It would be fun to make a list, but 26 books is such a big commitment!
this sounds like an interesting challenge.. i would have loved to do this one.. but 26 books is a lot of books esp after i have already decided to do 6 challenges! maybe i'll pick this one up first in 2010!
Wow. Ambitious!
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